Did you know that our campus is home to a group created just for people who love to repeat lines from “Saturday Night Live”? No, really, there is. And it’s called Friday Night Live.
Cyrus “Joe” Wiseman, a senior in film studies, is the assistant director of FNL, the U’s own sketch comedy-performing, “SNL”-inspired group.
“Our main goal,” Wiseman said, “is to give U students an opportunity to express their comedic needs where they wouldn’t normally get the chance to do so.”
FNL is made up of a team of writers, actors and film producers who create a student-produced sketch show every semester. The next presentation will be the third semi-annual that FNL has produced at the U.
Students don’t need to be in the acting department or film program to get involved, said Mindy Chidester, a junior in political science and history.
“As the director of FNL, I want to let students know that this is a great opportunity for any U student to be involved in,” Chidester said.
Although FNL is modeled after “SNL,” students add their own spin, Chidester said.
“We’ll have sketches that will be student-written and movies that will be student-produced,” Chidester said. “We want to target them to our age group.”
Parker Jones, a junior in business and FNL writer, said about five skits straight from “SNL” used to be performed at the event, but this year, all the skits will be original and student-written.
“It’s all about putting different skills together, making them funny and having a good time,” he said.
FNL held auditions for its fall production Nov. 3. The next FNL production will be Dec. 1. Any student interested can still join by contacting Mindy Chidester at mindy.chidester@union.utah.edu.
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