Chuck Landvatter, a senior in interpersonal communication, and Megan Vigil, a junior in exercise and sports science, were two of the 93 artists that used sidewalk paintings to benefit Utah’s foster families in the fourth annual Chalk Art Festival on Friday and Saturday.
The festival helped raise awareness about the Utah Foster Care Foundation.
Landvatter and Vigil focused their sidewalk drawing, titled, “Welcome to Seussville,” on Dr. Seuss to fit the foster care theme.
“(I wanted to make it) more esoteric for kids,” Landvatter said.
Deborah Lindner, public relations coordinator for the foundation, said there is a growing need for foster families in Salt Lake City proper, as many children are being moved out of their neighborhoods to Utah County.
Training to become a foster parent is free, and parents are reimbursed by the state for accepting children. Linder said she hopes the event helps the organization find 50 families.

“Welcome to Suessville” by U students Megan Vigil and Chuch Landvatter is one of many chalk drawings in the Chalk Art Festival at The Gateway