When I first arrived at the U, I was given a valuable recommendation: Milk the college experience for all it’s worth. I’ve followed that advice, and it’s made all the difference.
Here are my suggestions for entering freshmen:
First, forget everything you thought college would be. The perception that college consists of limitless partying, insatiable flirting and newfound freedom is formed more by the teeny-bopper media than reality.
It’s also untrue that college is exceptionally difficult. If your high school AP teacher told you that college would be harder, forget that advice-it’s a lie.
Although the university can offer a lot of freedom and social activity, those aspects of college are often tempered by the sobering realization of responsibility. Unless you are the child of a sugar daddy, the recipient of generous scholarships or are willing to enter into massive debt, chances are you’ll be doing a lot more than partying and studying.
Do not despair; an exciting and fulfilling college experience is still available, but it will require a lot of juggling. Once you forget everything you thought college would be, you can focus on making it what you want it to be.
Second, work on campus. I’ve worked-for pay-in three different offices during my time at the U. Although these jobs haven’t paid much, or allowed me to work many hours, they have still been very rewarding.
Developing close friendships with staff and faculty is satisfying at a personal level and incredibly helpful as you progress at the U.
Campus work is normally very flexible. My jobs have allowed me to set my own hours, come in between classes, and take time off for studying at finals time. If you want to be involved and earn some money at the same time, there is no better option than working on campus.
Third, apply for everything. Leave no scholarship unapplied for. Let no internship pass you by. Do not let leadership and volunteer opportunities go ignored. If you apply for everything that you’re interested in-even if you don’t think you have a chance-you’ll be surprised with what you can accomplish.
It might take a while, but once you’ve built some momentum, you will find a flow of copious opportunities that you never knew existed and for which you never thought you would qualify. Be patient- a lot of rejections may come before your determination is rewarded.
Fourth, study abroad. Some universities have already begun making this a graduation requirement. This is one opportunity you can’t let pass you by. Do everything you can to earn enough money or secure enough scholarships to make it happen. The U has some good programs, but you should explore other options as well. An international perspective is essential for competing in the global marketplace, and studying abroad will be one of your most rewarding experiences.
Fifth, live on or near campus. The resident halls are a good option, but they have a penchant for bleeding your wallet dry. Look at the low-cost options that exist in the neighborhoods surrounding campus. Living nearby will allow you to be more fully engaged than you could living further afield.
The college experience is full of opportunities, but you’ve got to be ambitious. Whether you’re in it for the social life, the academics, or a mixture of both, get out there and maximize the experience. In the end, you’ll be glad you did. Remember, college is an experienced to be soaked up.