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Together on and off for nearly 40 years, the England native band “The Selecter” are stopping in Utah on the “Rancid and Dropkick Murphys From Boston To Berkeley Tour.” On Oct 6. their new album “Daylight” will be released. Despite the aforementioned breaks the band took over the years, they were quick to say they only contributed to making them the “successful band” they are today.
“The Selecter” are known for their key work in 2 Tone Records and their unique sound (a mix of ska, reggae and punk rock). Looking back at their progress the band said, “we embodied the full perspective of 2-tone, which was to bring all people, black and white, men and women, together through music. We make music that tickles the soles of the feet and hopefully the brain cells too.”
Brain cells are being tickled, indeed. The band has addressed numerous political and social issues throughout their discography. Their lyrics are known to pack a punch to racism and sexism in particular. When asked what issues they wanted to focus on with “Daylight” they said, “ racism, sexism, homelessness, love, empowerment — the stuff of life.”
The message behind their band is just as strong and present as it was when it first started. ”The Selecter has been making 2 tone music for nearly four decades, ostensibly to focus on social issues which divide human society, while bringing some much needed rhythm and joy to people’s lives. In our opinion the importance of music in people’s lives is paramount; it’s how they give expression to their emotional and spiritual sense of self.”
The band’s unique persona can be detected from miles and seas away. As a parting question, we asked if they had any advice for aspiring artists. Their answer was just as striking as they are, “No. If they need advice they shouldn’t be in a band. If you know who and what you are and more importantly what you wish to express through your music, you don’t need advice. You’ll learn through making your own mistakes. There’s no substitute for that.”
The Selecter will be performing on August 12th, 2017 at the Great Saltair. You can buy tickets here.