Sarah Karr
Mecha organizer Gabriela Merida recites a poem written by a Palestinian woman as part of a Mecha walk-out in front of the A. Ray Olpin Student Union Building in Salt Lake City on Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023. (Photo by Sarah Karr | The Daily Utah Chronicle)
Following several controversial rallies, protests and a four-hour-long sit-in, Mecha de U of U was given the chance to meet with University of Utah administration to discuss their demands — none of them have been met.
Demanding a Meeting
In response to losing university sponsorship, Mecha organized a sit-in at the A. Ray Olpin Student Union to demand a meeting with university administration on Nov. 15. They were granted a meeting for Nov. 20.
The people who attended the sit-in included many Mecha members, as well as student supporters who started by sitting in the Union ballroom and eventually moved to the Center for Equity and Student Belonging.
Mecha members occupied the office area of CESB interim Associate Director Montelleo Hobley, demanding a meeting with university administration to review Mecha’s nine demands. These included reinstating Mecha as a student-sponsored group in CESB with Mecha having full autonomy of their student organization, rescheduling the Mecha High School Conference and allow Mecha to lead it, as well as removing various university leadership from their roles including Vice President Mary Ann Villarreal and Hobley.
In a video of the conversation between Mecha and Hobley on Instagram that they posted, students said, “Give us a day and we will end this right now.” Hobley replied that he had done all he could, which was emailing the administration. The students demanded an immediate date to be set.
Montelleo Hobley was contacted for comment, but did not respond.
Associated Students of the University of Utah President Jack O’Leary was at the sit-in, and Mecha attempted to make negotiations regarding their demands. Merida said O’Leary’s words were “wishy-washy” when he was asked about supporting trans students.
O’Leary declined to comment on the record regarding the event.
ASUU did release a statement on Instagram two days later.
“As ASUU, we denounce all anti-trans, anti-Islamic, or anti-Semitic rhetoric, and we reaffirm that this campus belongs to all students, regardless of their identity or background,” the statement read.
Meeting With University Administration
The meeting on Nov. 20 included Vice President for Student Affairs Lori McDonald, Villarreal, Dean of Students Jason Ramirez, Chief Safety Officer Keith Squires and Chief University Relations Officer Chris Nelson.
While Mecha knew little about the meeting, Merida said they wanted the administration to “feel the pressure.”
“We weren’t expecting huge strides and progress,” Merida said. She added that it was shocking to her that the administration did not ask many questions during their meeting and seemed upset at the student group.
“We were the ones having been stripped of funding and we were the ones to have had our high school conference taken,” Merida said.
She doesn’t think the meeting was helpful.
“There really wasn’t much to be honest, but we’re preparing for the long haul,” Merida said. “We know this isn’t gonna just happen overnight.”
On Nov. 28, Mecha received an email from university administration. The email said the administration would not meet any of the groups’ demands.
According to the email, Mecha’s university sponsorship will not be reinstated, and Mecha may potentially be involved with the upcoming high school conference, which is pending scheduling for the spring.
The email also said the university finds the safety of queer, trans and Palestinian students “incredibly important,” and will continue to support them. The university will not cut any ties with Israel. The letter said the university opposes genocide in any form, but cutting ties “with a country and companies is complex and not practical for a public institution of higher education.”
Mecha said they refuse to give up.
“The University does not care about us,” the post read. “In fact, they will actively oppress us and laugh in our faces when we demand better — this is just the beginning.”