Farewell: Ivana Martinez


By Ivana Martinez, Assistant News Editor


The first time I picked up a copy of The Daily Utah Chronicle, I was in the LNCO building. I’d arrived too early for one of my classes because I have never in my life known how to relax. I picked up the newspaper, flipping through the pages until I finally landed on the news section.

That’s when I knew I was going to be a part of the newspaper, no matter what it took. Even if my application did get lost a couple of times, I still managed to land on Jacqueline Mumford’s News Desk.  

While I didn’t always know I was going to be a journalist, I knew I was a storyteller. When I started, I dove straight into the deep end. Back then our news desk was tiny — it had about five writers, which quickly dwindled down to four. If there was a story to be told, you bet I was there, despite my hour-long commute to campus.    

The thing is, I’ve never known how to half-love anything, I’m truly an all or nothing kind of gal. So when it came to The Chronicle, I said, ‘Hey, let me actually dedicate my life to this.’ 

I did exactly that, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love it too much not to.  

And did I pick a year to do it in. It feels strange looking back now, how many historical and unprecedented moments we’ve not only lived through but also reported on. Writing for the Chrony has been a transformative experience — not to be cheesy, but it totally was. From announcing the U’s transition online because of the pandemic to the 5.7 magnitude earthquake, the summer protests, the Vice Presidential debate and so, so much more, I’ll be the first to say I’d like to live in ‘precedented’ times again, thanks. 

Taking over and co-running the News Desk in the middle of a pandemic is no easy task; it takes a village. There wasn’t a “how-to guide,” despite my many Google searches, but there were lots of people holding us up along the way. I’d like to first thank all our news writers. It wasn’t the year we’d thought we’d get, but I’m so thankful to have shared it with you and for your hard work and dedication. Thanks to my fellow editors, copy editors, photographers and design teams that kept us going.  

A special shout out to Kayleigh Silverstein, who has been a champion writer and friend at the desk, you deserve a medal for all your hard work. 

To Jacqueline Mumford, for taking a chance on me and making me a better writer. Thank you for overloading me with stories — it did me well in the end. I’m so grateful for your friendship and guidance. 

Finally, to Natalie Colby: this job wasn’t easy, but working with you was. It has been one of the highlights of my undergraduate career. I’ll forever cherish our reporting adventures together, the post-protest 1D singing sessions, the late nights and early mornings where we both felt exhausted to the bone and still wrote — I wouldn’t want to be anyone else’s assistant news editor. 

I’ve never liked endings, but it’s clear it’s here: to the U, it has been an honor telling your stories. 


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