"The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power" is a visually stunning series with a remarkable...
ASUU launched the Culture and Belonging Board in August. Previously known as the Diversity...
On July 24, hundreds of University of Utah faculty and staff signed a letter that was submitted to the university's administrators....
On Jul. 1 of this year, the U closed several student resource centers. The shutdown of these...
“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” is a comedic, visually thrilling sequel that resurrects Tim Burton’s...
Third places are places other than work or home where people gather and interact. They can...
ASUU launched the Culture and Belonging Board in August. Previously known as the Diversity Board, the new board "works to ensure that the University provides a safe environment...
On Jul. 1 of this year, the U closed several student resource centers. The shutdown of these centers was due to the anti-DEI bill H.B. 261, otherwise known as the “Equal...
The Utah Volleyball team suffered their first loss of the season to the No. 8 ranked Purdue Boilermakers in straight sets 3-0 (27-29,...
The people of Salt Lake City are known to be granola, artsy and undoubtedly stylish. In a walk through the university campus, a bike...
“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” is a comedic, visually thrilling sequel that resurrects Tim Burton’s quirky aesthetic back to life....
A young woman from Utah found out she was pregnant over her winter break. Knowing that she would need to terminate the pregnancy, she...
In the education world, we talk about the idea of not just learning to write, but also writing to learn. This is precisely what I urge you to do. I have always been writing:...
It’s the summer of 2023. I’m sitting in the dirt at sunrise under an I-15 overpass in the middle of one of Salt Lake City’s largest homeless encampments. The smell is...
According to Greek mythology, Pandora was a woman who had in her possession a box containing all misery and evil. Though warned not...