We read the letter to the editor entitled ?Nothing Good About LGSU Center? printed on Wednesday, June 27, and felt the need to make a few comments in rebuttal.
First of all, we believe that diversity is always a good thing; it allows people to live their life the way they feel is right for them, in pursuit of their own happiness (we shouldn?t have to mention to a political-science major that this is a Constitutional right guaranteed to every American citizen).
Then, in opposition to the statement that ?[the] demands emanating from the gay movement sound more like spoiled children. It is a far cry from meager demands of the suppressed,? we do not believe that a minority is going overboard by requesting a facility to keep resources available. We are not referring solely to the gay-rights movement. Rather, we are including all minorities who are oppressed.
Oppression occurs when ignorant or close-minded people decide that everyone should follow a certain set of rules, civilities and morals, or live a specific way.
The room provided for the Lesbian and Gay Student Union in the A. Ray Olpin University Union will do just that. We do not believe that being entitled to a safe haven is asking too much, or acting like ?spoiled children.?
Thirdly, the essence of America is that it is a cultural melting pot, where people of different cultures, ways of life, ideas and sincere religions come together as one society. Therefore, can one person decide a ?common good? for everybody else? Wanting to unify so many different traditions under a single ?cultural identity? is against what this country is about.
People living an active gay or lesbian lifestyle are not ?embracing? such a way as the best or worst existence; rather, they are living the only way they can in pursuit of their own happiness.
It is difficult to convey this difference to a person who refuses to look outside the ?norms? or one who feels threatened by variations in their Utopia, or ?traditional American way of life.?
Also, morality is in the eye of the beholder, and someone who subscribes to a certain set of morals should not be allowed to judge another person. What right do they have?
We believe that the ?wise men? who allowed the establishment of a room in the Union for LGSU to occur are continuing the commitment that the University of Utah has regarding diversity.
So, yes, the elite are truly wise, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them.
Thank you.
Max Strunk GarciaJunior, Anthropology
Stephanie RoduitSophomore, Biology