To: Students of the University of Utah From: Ben Lowe, ASUU President ASUU Executive Cabinet Date: September 12, 2001
We express condolences for students and families whose loved ones have been killed, injured, or directly affected by the tragic events. Our thoughts and prayers are with the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Utah.
Throughout the span of existence, we have been subjected to numerous tragedies that have tested our beliefs and values. As students, our academic pursuits and aspirations allow us to view such occurrences as opportunities for development and growth. We encourage the students of the University of Utah to unite in compassion and sympathy for those Americans whose lives were affected. The strengths that we draw from one another will aid the healing process that we must undergo. As a University community, let us mourn our losses and support our bereaved through open dialogue.
Let us view these events as opportunities to foster respect for individuals of all nationalities, races, and creeds. As each of us are affected in some manner, it is understandable that every student has feelings of vulnerability, concern and frustration. It is our hope that we may collectively harness the emotions being felt to seek constructive ways to cope and heal. We appreciate the efforts of those students that have reached out to comfort those most affected, and invite all students to continue in these efforts.
As your elected and appointed representatives, we reiterate student resources to help with the process of coping with these unfathomable occurrences. The Counseling Center will be providing a seminar on Wednesday, entitled “Managing Personal Reactions in the Aftermath of Trauma,” in the East Ballroom ofthe Union at 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. The Women’s Resource Center will be meeting throughout the day in the Union Cafeteria (lst Floor) and providing a seminar on “Healing Through Art.” The Social Work Building will have discussion groups all day in the Student Lounge. In addition to these services, students may contact the ASUU Student Advocacy Offce at 581-8613, to be directed to a counselor. Faculty have been encouraged to be supportive of those students facing unique constraints resulting from this tragedy. Please contact the ASUU Office at 581-2788, if there are other needs or services that can be addressed.
Students, faculty and staff of the University are invited to join in a candlelight vigil to he held Thursday, September 13th, 2001 in Presidents Circle on the steps of the Park Building. The Vigil will begin at 8:30 p.m., with speakers from various campus and community organizations. Students are encouraged to bring candles as we remember the victims of Tuesday?s episode.
We are faced with a test of our character and strength unparalleled in our history. It is our hope that we may join together to express our solidarity as University students and demonstrate our support of each other and our nation’s leaders during this period of international crisis.