The towers fell all over again, this time in black and white.
U graduate Giles Larsen organized a viewing of “9/11: Turning Tragedy into War,” in the Union Theatre Wednesday.
But instead of cries for war, the documentary asked for U.S. citizens and the U.S. government to take a closer look at what caused the attack on the World Trade Centers.
New York residents spoke out against U.S. military retaliation, and called for peace.
The film, created by the New York Independent Media Center, prefaced a panel discussion which criticized U.S. media coverage of the war on terrorism.
More than 20 people attended the movie and discussion, few of whom were U students.
The main criticism of mainstream U.S. media, repeated by multiple panelists including U communication professor Nick Burns, was that it oversimplifies the world.
Panelists pointed the audience to multiple alternative media sources found on the Web. Shundahai Network member Susie Snyder also criticized legislation aimed to stop protest groups within the United States.
“I’m starting to think we are returning to McCarthism,” Snyder said.
Panelist Maher Ramaileh, vice president of the Islamic Society of Utah, said the struggle stems from the formation of Israel. He believes the struggle could end if Israel gave up half of the land to the Palestinians.