Regarding The Daily Utah Chronicle’s Jan. 8 “Mid-East VIP Talks About Terrorism”: If the United States continues to ignore all injustices in the Middle East, as Ambassador Dennis Ross did on Monday, then peace will never be established.
First of all, Ambassador Ross appears to have not read the newspapers: Yassir Arafat has denounced terrorist activities and the killing of innocent civilians.
But when Israel assassinates suspected terrorists and kills numerous innocent Palestinians, is any apology required or asked for?
Secondly, I find it ironic that Ambassador Ross referred to terrorism as “illegitimate.”
He is very correct, but what about the demolition of Palestinian homes and the endless human rights abuses conducted by the Israelis on Palestinians and Arab Americans?
What about the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and their exile since 1948?
What about the annexation of the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem?
What about the Jewish colonies and the stranglehold on the inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza Strip?
Did Ambassador Ross mention any of these violations?
These violations must be addressed and corrected also if terrorism is to end in the Middle East.
Bart Gatrell, Graduate Student, Political Science