I am a graduate student here at the U. I also have obtained my two undergraduate degrees at this fine institution. I am presently appalled at the lack of creativity due to the budget crunch. I am no stranger to finance issues, I have run two multi-million dollar companies in my short life. What you are doing is tripping over dollars to grab at nickels. K-UTE is a valuable commodity to the students here at the university.
Even though I have been involved in business and architecture, I too have taken my turn as a late night DJ using our facilities. I am confident that since ASUU is examining K-UTE as a possible cut back, they have not labeled themselves as hypocrites. I am sure they have tried out the studio, interviewed the people who have benefitted from this service and examined the opportunity cost of not having such a resource. ASUU, please do this.
If after compiling all the facts and relevant info, you decide that your money is better spent on other issues, I understand. But to act in ignorance is the exact thing our university is fighting everyday. Please, there are enough bad decisions made on a daily basis in our world. Here is your opportunity not to add upon the compounding pile.
I am confident in your wisdom, for I personally took part in electing you. I know that the $39,410.00 that I have personally paid in university fees is worth a vote. My vote is stay the hand that drops the ax on K-UTE. Be creative, just don’t be naive.
Chad Anselmo, MBA, Entrepreneurship