Oftentimes in student campaigns, both past and present, we hear idealistic statements and “glittering generalities.” These may include, “We’re going to make the U campus a better place,” or, “We’re going to solve the parking problem.” While these ideas are both valiant and necessary, the distinction of the Impact Party from the rest lies in our specific ideas of how to solve these problems coupled with our leadership experience in all aspects of university life.
“We are going to fight to keep tuition low.” Who hasn’t heard this campaign promise before? The real question is how are we going to accomplish this. Here are a few of our plans of action:
? When a bill that affects students (like an increase in tuition) is introduced, the ASUU Government Relations Board will gather all information pertaining to the bill. This information will be posted on the ASUU Web site and will include a press release in order to get word out to students. Contact information for legislators who are pushing the bill will also be provided.
? We will plan campus-wide student rallies and letter-writing campaigns throughout the year in regards to legislative issues (such as an increase in tuition) that will affect university students.
“We’re going to get students more involved on campus.” What a great idea! How will it happen, though? One key to getting more people involved is improving communication campus-wide. Here are some specific ideas of how we plan to improve communication:
? We will provide a monthly press release, informing students of exactly what the ASUU Executive Cabinet has been working on. This will give the president, vice president and members of the Executive Cabinet more accountability to the students.
? An independent polling service will poll students once a semester to gauge students’ interests and needs on campus.
? We will provide open forums with the president and vice president where students may share their opinion on issues, ask questions and voice concerns with ASUU leadership.
? Student luncheons will be held where a number of randomly selected students from all areas of campus will gather to discuss their interests and ideas about campus, and suggest improvements.
“We are going to solve the parking dilemma.” Great! Never heard that one before! Some great strides have already been made this past year, upon which we will build. However, in order to make further improvement, we need to address the root of the problem:
? The University Parking Advisory Committee is currently made up of 26 faculty only four students. We will achieve equal student representation. This will “pave the way” for further improvement in student parking.
? We will sponsor a publicity campaign to encourage the use of public and alternative means of transportation.
If you are interested in more of our specific ideas, you can visit our Web site at www.theimpactparty.com