WASHINGTON?President Bush shocked the nation Saturday evening at a press conference, when he uttered a coherent sentence, a first for the nation’s commander in chief.
The sentence, written for the president’s speech on his newly added territories of the “Axis of Evil,” was: “Disneyland is a significant haven for evil-doers.”
Oxford English professor and speech pathologist David Kissel was astounded.
“The sentence checks out clean?It was both grammatically correct and understandable,” he said.
While critics maintain that Bush’s simple sentence could not stand as an “intelligent statement,” the sentence was coherent, nonetheless.
First Lady Laura Bush applauded her husband’s efforts, accrediting them to the success of her nationwide program to boost literacy in America’s children.
Disclaimer: The Comical is pure satire and appears at the beginning of every week on The Chronicle’s Web site. Please take the stories as jokes and don’t call your lawyer. Thanks.
The Bush administration says it will continue to aid the president in his resolve to speak properly.