It seems as if this year, more than ever, the Utah government has extremely misplaced priorities when it comes to funding.
Each year it seems like less and less attention (and funding) is paid to the ones who need it the most and who will be commanding the future ?the students.
When priceless mentors like U biology professor Fred Montague are let go because of Legislature-imposed budget cuts, and yet that same Legislature can find some $200 million for Capitol renovations, something has gone seriously wrong.
Montague and countless others who will lose their positions are teaching students how to make a difference in the world with these valuable courses, an idea quite foreign at the Capitol.
Sadly, with the departure of Montague will be the wonderful ecology and global issues courses.
As a former student of Montague’s and a taxpaying citizen, I am thoroughly disgusted with my tax dollars at waste in Utah.
Every student who has ever had a teacher who truly inspired them to change the world would agree that the value of that teacher is above and beyond the worth of any legislator.
Two hundred million for a couple of buildings so the representatives are comfy? Give me a break. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Michelle Cook-Farnsworth, Senior, Environmental Studies