This letter is in regard to the April 30 Daily Utah Chronicle advertising insert, “Life is Full of Surprises.”
Please do not do this again. When I get an advertising supplement such as this in any daily paper, I roll my eyes and sigh at the waste of trees.
When the so-called “advertising supplement” is a piece of political propaganda, I get annoyed and wonder if anyone thinks that campaign reform is a good idea.
When the propaganda is saying that anyone who believes that a woman should be able to choose when she wants to perform the biologic function of reproduction “pro abortionist,” I become really angry.
I also don’t appreciate the sentence, “We might as well be ‘pro-choice’ on graffiti, kiddie pornography and prostitution.”
This is an outrage! If I want to read right-wing political propaganda with my morning coffee, I’ll go to school somewhere to the south.
If they want to buy an advertisement in The Chronicle like everybody else, then fine. But this advertising supplement is ridiculous.
Joanna Coolidge, Senior, Pre-Medical