By responding to your editorial, am I simply falling into your trap, or are you just naive enough to believe that firing Ron McBride is the right thing to do?
For the record, and since you’re either too young to know, too trusting of someone with a record like Chris Hill, or really believe what you’re saying, let’s put a few things into perspective.
First, Hill is only in the position he’s in because of Ron McBride and Rick Majerus. Had there not been successes in football and basketball during the past decade, Hill would be back coaching 3-A high school basketball and making a mess of things there, too.
Here’s something else you should consider: Years ago, Hill was tutored and then put into position by Arnie Ferrin. Arnie gladly brought the young basketball coach along for the ride and the price tag was simple. All Arnie asked was the opportunity to stick around after he put Hill into the AD position.
After all, Arnie loved the U, had brought it untold attention and respect, but was in the twilight of his career. He just wanted a warm spot to hang his hat within his beloved Utah athletic department.
No sooner, however, had Ferrin placed Hill in power, than he found his own butt out on the cold, hard pavement.
Next time you find yourself trusting what Hill says, simply remember the parable of Arnie Ferrin.
Consider what McBride has done for the school and what he has gained personally. His salary has been comparable to that of a computer engineer living in San Francisco–way below the average coaching salary of someone in his position. Word on the street is most assistants at bigger schools make more than McBride did. By contrast, Rick Majerus easily makes five times what McBride was making.
Chris Hill isn’t about Utah, its fans or its students–Chris Hill is all about Chris Hill.
Brian Neff