I am writing in response to Jasyn Jones’ Feb. 26 Chronicle Opinion Column, “The Big Mac: A Weapon of Conquest?”
In many countries, the Big Mac is a novelty item that is therefore sold at far higher prices than comparable local fare. In those situations, the Big Mac is not as, Jones suggests, cheap food. It is expensive food.
Much of it is expensive here, too. In the United States, McDonald’s has created a value menu to entice the marginal consumer. But the rest of the menu is high-priced and of mediocre to low quality, especially in nutritional value.
It’s laughable that Jones would suggest that McDonald’s is “helping all societies achieve their universal aims.”
If one of those aims is to produce food of high nutritional value in the support of a healthy diet at a low price, McDonald’s is part of the problem, not a solution.
Most countries can produce good, cheap food. Multinational fast food franchises like McDonald’s do nothing but add a relatively high-priced additional choice of food. Some countries, like Japan, won’t tolerate the despicable quality of the food as it is produced here.
So, the franchise sells them a quality of product that they will accept. But this is at a higher price. The same is true for designer clothes sold abroad. Most countries can produce good, cheap clothes. Imported clothes only represent an additional choice sold usually as a luxury good at high prices.
Bill Nicolich
Alumnus, 2001