With graduation ceremonies coming to a close, the “All Aboard” Party takes the helm of U student government. Although students resolved the question of who will lead during student elections, the greater question remains: For what kind of leadership did the student body sign up?
Record numbers turned out to vote during the election. This is an indicator that may point to a promising year for the new administration.
It seems that many students identified with “All Aboard’s” message of campus involvement and student interaction. The key for the new administration will be to make good on its promises.
One key factor in having a successful year will be to learn from the mistakes of the past. Indeed, it is those mistakes that the new administration promised to rectify.
As the new administration contemplates the use of its new $1.4 million budget, it must focus on using the money to help U students. It is not enough for the new administration to avoid spending the money recklessly. The administration must produce real change that benefits the student body. This is a daunting task to say the least.
The new administration will face other challenges as well. While the players have changed, the problems largely remain the same. Tuition increases, parking shortages and lack of student involvement will continue to plague university life.
To hold the new administration responsible for solving the complex problems sure to be encountered would be unfair and misguided. However, as a student body we must demand progress and improvement.
With new leadership comes new opportunities: an opportunity to make good on campaign promises, an opportunity to learn from mistakes of the past and the opportunity to act decisively in serving those to whom the office truly belongs.
It is with a watchful eye The Chronicle will greet our new leaders. As the new administration takes over, the Chrony will champion its successes and criticize its failures. The interests of the students must always be advanced and supported. This must be the criteria to which the administration consults when serving the U community.