The Associated Students of the University of Utah have created the long-awaited Student Spouse Card.
Released on Aug. 25, the Spouse Card is designed to allow the marriage partners of enrolled students access to the benefits students across campus can already use.
Those benefits include free public transportation, access to the Marriott Library and Campus Recreation Services privileges.
The pass is priced at $5, with extra charges for additional benefits.
Those eligible are defined as, “all student spouses, same-sex partners and opposite-sex partners who are not married,” according to the ASUU Policy and Procedure Agreement.
For information about the Spouse Card, call April Heiselt at 581-2788, or drop by the ASUU office, Union 234.
John Boyack
On-Campus Spouses
Student Spouse Card $5
Campus Recreation Fee $20 per semester,
$60 per year
Transportation Fee $33 per year
($38.50 after Sept. 1, 2004 and
$44 after Sept. 1, 2005)
Off-Campus Spouses
Transportation Fee-$33 per month
The transportation fee pays for use on all Utah Transit Authority buses and TRAX. Both on- and off-campus student spouses need to pay the fee only if they want an unlimited pass.
Spouse card applicants are subject to verification of eligibility.