Police are looking for a man who stole a backpack from an office in the Park Building. Witnesses describe him as a skinny, white male with short brown hair and a goatee. He was alsosaid to bewearing a green T shirt and shorts. They did not mention what color the shorts were.
Paying tuition leaves no money for parking fees (or vice-versa)
A parking permit was stolen from a Jeep in the Chapel Glen area, a motorcycle parked near the business buildings and an unlocked van parked near the Fieldhouse. Later, a man was arrested on campus as he was parking his car in a campus lot using a parking permit that had been reported stolen a few weeks earlier.
Just “borrowing” a computer
Two men were spotted carrying a computer and monitor off campus. It was 2 in the morning. An officer questioned the men, who said their professor had given them permission to take the computer.
When the officer asked for the professor’s name, the men said he was on his way to Korea and could not speak to the officer. The officer took the computer and the case is currently under investigation.
Bookstore employee tries to resolve overpricing problem
A U Bookstore employee gave a customer an employee discount while ringing up three books.
When the total came to significantly less thanwhat the bookstore charges, an unknown tipster notified the store. The action was reported to police and the case is under investigation.
Test-taking drives student over the edge
A graduate student made a death threat against his professor after he became upset over a test. He said he thought the test was unfair.
The police were called and the dean of students also got involved.
The problem was thought to be caused by the student’s previously existing psychological factors, not the fact that the test was unfair.
Compiled by Cara Wieser