According to a report releasedby Taper & Shave, aswimming magazine, eightswimmers and nine relayteams on the U’s men’s andwomen’s swimming teams areranked in the College Quick 50.The rankings are based on the50 quickest times in each eventthroughout NCAA swimming.”These rankings are a tributeto the hard work we have putin this fall,” head coach MikeLitzinger said. “We are allproud and excited to have theUniversity of Utah in a notableposition among the nation’sfastest times at this point.”Senior Cody Rempfer headsthe list of quick swimmingUtes with Quick 50 times infour events. Rempfer currentlyhas the NCAA’s 10th-fastestpersonal best time in the 200butterfly, the 26th-fastest in the200 individual medley, the 37thin the 100 butterfly and the 41stin the 200 breaststroke.Rempfer is joined in Quick50 esteem by two other maleswimmers: Jonathan Larsenand Evan Castro. Larsen swamhis way to No. 21 in the 100freestyle, and No. 31 in the 50freestyle. Castro, who is not relatedto Cuba’s own Fidel Castro,ranks in the breaststrokevariety of races, with the 22ndfastest time in the 100, and the48th fastest time in the 200.Rempfer, Larsen and Castroalso anchor four of the five malerelay squads that have timesin the Quick 50. Andrew Coleand David Maasberg teamedup with Larsen and Rempfer inthe 200 freestyle relay for the22nd fastest time in the NCAA.Matan Ratz joined Cole, Maasbergand Larsen for the 37thfastest time in the 400 freestylerelay. Rempfer, Larsen, Cole,and Castro form the men’sringer in the medley relays.They have the 29th best timein the 200 and the 23rd best inthe 400.On the women’s side, AlisonMcInturff, Amy Barefield,Marta Stepanczuk, RachaelCurci and Michelle Blair allhead into the break with timesin the Quick 50.McInturff is the U’s queen ofthe middle distance freestyleevents, ranking 36th in the 200and 38th in the 100. Barefieldsprinted her way to the 37thfastest time in the 50 freestyle,while Stepanczuk outlasted allbut 20 other swimmers in the1650 freestyle en route to the21st fastest time in the NCAA.Curci barely snuck into theQuick 50 by putting up the49th fastest time in the sameevent. Blair, a freshman, flewinto the Quick 50 by swimmingthe 30th fastest time inthe 100 butterfly, and the 38thin the 200 butterfly.The women’s squad also hadfour relay teams in the Quick50, led by the team of LeahJensen, Adrian Kich, Blair, andBarefield, who collectively putup the NCAA’s 22nd fastesttime in 200 medley relay.Although Litzinger is clearlyproud of his teams’ accomplishments,he is focused onthe road ahead.”The challenge now lies withus seeing our goals throughthe rest of the season andcome to fruition at the MWCChampionships and on to theNCAAs,” Litzinger [email protected]
Ute swimmers ranked in the Quick 50
December 7, 2004