David King
Staff Writer
This Saturday students will be able to ski all day at Brighton Ski Resort for $20.
The offer is part of a promotion for the second annual Ski for Gold, a fund raiser supporting the more than 2,000 statewide Special Olympians in their year-round competitions and sports training.
Individuals who donate or raise more than $20 will receive additional items ranging from food coupons and ski passes valid at Brighton to ski apparel and gear.
“I think it’s great that the resort would support the Special Olympics on that level,” said Jason Winzeler, a senior communication major.
In addition to all-day skiing, activities and entertainment for both Special Olympics athletes and donors will take place throughout the day.
Jacob Sorenson, a member of the Special Olympic planning committee and advertising manager for The Daily Utah Chronicle, said this weekend will be a good opportunity for skiers to interact with the athletes.
“It allows people to get exposed to Special Olympics and to be a part of it,” he said.
Sorenson added that many people underestimate the capabilities of the competitors.
“If someone hasn’t been to a Special Olympics event, you’ll be amazed to see what these people can do,” he said.
Interested participants must register online at www.SkiForGold.com by midnight Dec. 10 to take advantage of the offer.
Incentives to help out
You raise: You receive: $20.00 All day ski pass at Brighton Ski Resort for day-of event. ($41 value)$40.00 Ski pass plus $10 food coupon to Brighton Lodge. ($51 value)$60.00 Ski pass, food coupon plus event T-shirt. ($66 value)$100.00 Ski pass, food coupon plus premium ski apparel/gear. ($111 value)Over $100.00 Everything included in $100 level, plus your name put in drawing for grand prize ($750 value)