This week the ASUU Senate and General Assembly plans to pass legislation granting the Union Programming Council an additional $25,000 to fund Crimson Nights and other campus activities.
This sum was decided upon by the Associated Students of the University of Utah in place of UPC’s request for an amendment to Redbook, the ASUU constitution, to secure permanent funding for its activities.
The $25,000 will come from the ASUU Presenter’s Office budget.
While UPC has not recently discussed the amendment with ASUU, student leaders in UPC said they are content with the settlement for the moment.
“I think it will absolutely be sufficient to cover expenses for this year,” said Eric Hu, UPC executive director.
At the beginning of the school year, ASUU gave $50,000 to UPC, which designated $42,000 of this allotment to Crimson Nights, a monthly party held in the Union for all students.
UPC wants to amend Redbook to ensure that activities like Crimson Nights continue to receive student government funding regardless of the current administration’s feelings toward these activities.
“We believe Crimson Nights really adds to campus life,” Hu said. “$50,000 or $42,000 less would severely disable it.”
Crimson Nights Director Julie Tran said the event received more funding from ASUU this year but less from other sources, including the Campus Wellness Center.
“We have about $20,000 less than we did last year, so we sometimes have to get creative,” Tran said.
Hu said he plans to discuss further plans for the Redbook amendment with ASUU Attorney General Jill Baker.
“We haven’t discussed it much recently-it’s still on the drawing board,” Hu said. “We don’t really know what’s going on from their side.”