Award for care of terminally illPerry G. Fine, U professor of anesthesiology, was honored for his work in pain management and end-of-life care by the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.Fine received the Josefina B. Magno Distinguished Hospice Physician Award at the academy’s annual meeting in February. He is currently a member of the U Hospital Pain Management Center’s faculty.
Recognition for work in medical ethics Jay A. Jacobson, U professor of internal medicine and chief of the Division of Medical Ethics, was a finalist for a medical ethics award.Medical students nominated Jacobson for the 2006 Association of American Medical Colleges Humanism in Medicine Award.Jacobson is a nationally recognized medical ethicist and was recognized for his contributions to the field in 2004 by the American Medical Association.
Medical Review BoardKurt T. Hegmann, U research associate professor of family and preventative medicine, was elected to serve as the first chairman of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Medical Review Board.The board was created in 2006 to update qualification regulations for drivers of commercial vehicles.Hegmann will participate on the board for two years.