Seven candidates running for General Assembly positions in the upcoming student government elections will be fined for missing a mandatory candidate orientation.
Jill Baker, an elections prosecutor for the Associated Students of the University of Utah, presented the grievances Wednesday night at the first grievance hearing of the student election season.
In a 5-0 vote, the Elections Committee decided that candidates from both parties were in violation of the ASUU constitution’s orientation policy by failing to attend the meeting. Three candidates from the Focus Party and four candidates from the Spork Party were cited for missing the required candidate orientation.
Each candidate will be fined 15 percent of his or her campaign budget. The candidates will also have to make up the orientation they missed.
If the candidates do not make up the orientation or pay the fine, another grievance will be filed. They could also be removed from the ballot.
Candidates from both parties said scheduling conflict caused them to miss the meeting.