The Focus Party strives to represent all students. Every student on this campus is unique, and each has something to contribute to make this university great. With this in mind, we sat down with hundreds of students and asked them to share their thoughts on the U, the Associated Students of the University of Utah and their college experiences. From these conversations, we built and refined our platform.
Our first Focus is communicating opportunities. There are many resources on this campus, and unfortunately, students just don’t know about them. To address this, we want to create a guide for the U called the RedPages. The RedPages would communicate to students on their terms. Whether a student is working 40 hours a week and trying to apply for scholarships or looking to get involved in a student group, the RedPages could help students find their way.
Our next Focus is collecting feedback from the student body. To represent students on issues, we must know their opinions. Although there are various ways to do this, the important part is that gathering students’ opinions reinforces the link between students and student government.
Our final Focus is on creating awareness. This category involves student groups, sustainability and the U.S. presidential elections. We’ll invite all student groups to come together three times a semester for a meeting called the Campus Forum. At this forum, groups can collaborate, share ideas and learn valuable lessons, such as how to obtain funding from ASUU and how to actually use that funding. For sustainability, we will have a strong educational initiative on the recycling program. A strong recycling program will open the door for more progress on this campus.
The U.S. presidential elections are everywhere. From summer orientations until October, we will be registering students to vote, collaborating with other groups on campus to hold educational events and ultimately trying to get early voting on campus.
With our varied backgrounds and experiences, I feel that Jon, Madison and I are uniquely qualified to serve as your student leaders for the upcoming year. Our 64 incredible candidates represent the broad diversity of the U and are passionate about serving your voice. By putting the Focus on each and every student, we can make our student government work for everyone. I encourage everyone to get involved and vote on March 12 and 13.
To learn more and give us your feedback and ideas, please visit
Patrick Reimherr is the presidential candidate for the Focus Party.