Throughout the Rev. Jeremiah Wright fiasco, Barack Obama said he disagreed with the reverend’s anti-American sentiments, but I’m not too sure he should be believed. Sure, he can say he wasn’t there the days when Wright blamed America for the Sept. 11 attacks and said the U.S. government invented AIDS to kill black people. Maybe he didn’t hear those comments. It’s safe to say that over the course of 20 years, Obama must have missed a few “sermons.”
Many people wondered why he didn’t come out earlier against Wright’s hate speech or why he didn’t repudiate him. I think the reason is clear.
Obama didn’t think Wright’s feelings were out of line or didn’t realize how bigoted they were — because he feels the exact same way.
At a San Francisco fundraiser held with a bunch of millionaires recently, Obama showed his true disdain for Americans in a speech he didn’t know was being recorded.
He spoke about Americans living in small towns who have experienced losses of jobs as “bitter” people. He went on to say that he wasn’t surprised that these bitter individuals “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Obama is the one who sounds bitter and shows how out-of-touch he is with real Americans. These are the men and women who aren’t freeloading off the government. They are the ones being taxed to provide the services extended to most of Obama’s fan base. These people hold the values that built America. They value their right to bear arms, worship in the way they choose and show real pride in their country.
America doesn’t just consist of the east coast and the west coast. There are a whole lot of states in between whose votes matter, and going around insulting them isn’t the best way to win an election.
Is he mad that the entertainment elite and the “intellectuals” of academia are the only ones turning to him for hope?
Here’s a little hint, Obama, one you should’ve learned in Sunday school a long time ago instead of listening to Wright vilifying our nation: Religious people look to Jesus Christ for hope — you are not our messiah.
Instead he portrays people who aren’t accepting his message as “bitter.” Are hunters and anyone who owns a gun bitter? Am I bitter because I attend church? No. In fact, I’d argue that I have a better outlook on life than someone with no real hope.
Obama said bitter people cling to “antipathy to people who aren’t like them.” Is he not guilty of the same? His words about “small-town Americans” are hostile enough to leave no one in doubt of his aversion to them.
Well, everyone surrounds themselves with like-minded people. That is why everyone should pay attention to the people close to Obama. Not only is there Wright spewing his anti-American vitriol indoctrinating Obama and his family, but his wife Michelle recently said she was proud of her country for the first time in her life. I wonder why she feels proud of a country that she described in New York as “just downright mean”? She said the country is divided, life is not good and the people are “guided by fear” and cynicism.
Are these the kind of people we want running and representing our country? I, for one, love America and know that it is the best country that God has ever given to a civilization of people.