I am disappointed by the remarks in The Chronicle’s house editorial (“Library delays are product of poor planning” Sept. 5). I am disappointed by the lack of understanding and appreciation for what has occurred before our eyes in an extremely complex and difficult construction project.
The delay in the opening of the library is the result of a last-minute change in the opinion of a state building official during final inspection. He had previously approved the plans for public exits on the fourth and fifth floors of the library. He changed his mind.
The official required changes in construction that was already complete, including changes in the doors and additional exit lights referred to in your editorial. It is his prerogative to do so, once he sees the completed construction, even if he has previously approved the plans, as in this case.
Contrary to the assertion of the editorial, the delay and changes were not due to blunders or lack of planning on the part of anyone at the U.
This remarkable project essentially rebuilt the library architecturally and structurally while it remained in operation. When we really understand the amount of planning and coordination that took place, our opinions should reflect appreciation and regard instead of, well…what was actually written.
John McNary
Campus Design and Construction