The stance of the LDS Church on gay marriage is logically sound, a counter to yesterday’s letter to the editor (“LDS Church stance on proposition 8 illogical,” Oct. 29). Arguments that claim The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is contradicting itself might be shortsighted. The LDS Church’s position is logical if “free agency” and the role of government are viewed from the LDS perspective.
Certainly, agency is central in Mormon doctrine, although the definition of the term is often misconstrued. Free agency is not a free-for-all, but instead as John Locke said, “a liberty to follow my own will in all things where the rule prescribes not.” Man has agency to do as he pleases, but that doesn’t equate to freedom. Laws indeed come with consequences, but the ordination of such does not impede upon one’s agency.
The United States government creates laws, but does so with authority granted by its citizens.
Kurt Manwaring,
Senior, Sociology