This letter is in response to the editorial, (“Stay Sassy, Utah,” Nov. 19) We first would like to acknowledge that The Chronicle’s judgments as to U President Michael Young’s institutional affiliations are both unfounded and irrelevant. As a dedicated president of our university, clearly his loyalties lie with the U. Questioning the administration’s efforts to promote good sportsmanship is uncalled for, and evidently, we can all use a lesson on staying classy. We are the flagship institution in the state, and once again, we can take the opportunity to lead in setting an example.
The Utah-BYU rivalry should be about demonstrating our school pride, not denigrating others. While we agree there is nothing wrong with enjoying a good rivalry, this should be done on the basis of good sportsmanship and respect. Let’s show some true respect for our school and ourselves by earning our reputation as a worthwhile and mature competitor.
Ryan Jensen,
Senior, Finance
Marko Mijic,
Senior, Behavioral Science and Health