Having read Liz Carlston’s column (“Altruistic restaurant bashed unfairly,” Dec. 4) on the One World Cafe, I feel some mixed feelings. As a former employee, one who walked out in protest of unjust and uncompassionate treatment, I felt that Rush Limbaugh’s attack was justified.
Carlston was right to call him out for being out of line, but there are a few items I’d like to make clear about One World’s structure. Yes, it has been very disorganized in practice, but in legally binding documents the One World Board (Denise Cerreta, Don Merrill, etc.) has an obligation to do extracurricular fundraising to help sustain the nonprofit restaurant. The changes that were made would not be necessary if the board had been doing its job to support the nonprofit aspect.
The argument that One World is “returning to profitability” is misguided as One World, with its nonprofit and 501 (c)3 tax exemption statuses, cannot legally be out to make a profit.
Cutting back on volunteer options, extending required volunteer time for a full meal, and expecting hardworking employees to accept delayed and uncertain paychecks for months on end (not just in October as Carlston’s column stated) are not fair or honest expectations given the One World mission and the spirit supposed to be backing it.
Elizabeth Totterer
Senior, English and Art History