When someone dies, it is sad. When someone takes another’s life, it is tragic. When a country permits the act of taking another’s life, it is wrong.
Who are we as Americans? What do we stand for? What do we believe? According to the Declaration of Independence, we believe that all people “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Historically, when people have been denied their unalienable rights, it was America who fought for equality8212;it was America who fought for justice. Who stood up against slavery in the 1860s? America. Who stood up for women’s rights in the 1920s? America. Who stood up against the Holocaust during World War II? America. Who stands up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, the voiceless, the unborn?
Where is the America of yesterday? America has stood by and done nothing while over 49 million babies have been aborted in the United States since 1973. When will we stand up? When will we cry out, “Injustice”? When will we say that taking the life of an innocent child is wrong? How bright can our light of liberty shine while each year our country takes more than 1 million lives through abortion? How high can we fly our flag of freedom while we deny the most basic right, the right to life, to the unborn?
I fight not only for the rights of the unborn, but also for America. I don’t want an America that believes life is limited, love is for fairy tales and babies are burdens. I want an America that believes nothing is impossible, love is real and babies are blessings. I want the America I pledged to in elementary school8212;”one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all”8212;for both man and woman, black and white, Christian and Jew, born and unborn.
Editor’s Note8212;Samuel Passi is the president of the LIFE Club at the U.