Well, it’s over. Usually I like when things go by fast, but this was just ridiculous. I keep thinking back to when we were still kicking around name ideas for Red Pulse, and it feels as though it was only a few weeks ago. However, six months have come and gone and we’re still here. It’s a different office and there are a few new computers, but it’s basically the same as it ever was8212;only busier and a bit more stressful.
Thankfully, we get a break to recharge a little bit during Christmas Break. Or the Semester Break. Or the Holiday Break. Whichever you prefer8212;I’m not trying to start a war here or anything.
I know I might sound like a broken record, but we do appreciate everyone who grabs a copy and actually reads our little paper. We’re trying our best, and hopefully that’s coming across. We’ve got a bunch of good stuff lined up for the new year, so keep picking up Red Pulse. And keep (or start) sending letters. Maybe one day we’ll have enough for a letters column. Just think how much fun we could have with that. See? The good ideas just keep on coming.
Trevor Hale
[email protected]