In response to the Durex sex toy promotional ad The Chronicle distributed Monday, I personally am not really fazed by such ads and see them as just another attempt for people to make money off of the broken morals of society. However, I can’t believe that The Chronicle and the university as a whole would allow this garbage to be distributed on campus. Some would argue, “What’s wrong with that, people have sex all the time. Stop trying to force your morals on society.”
So when do we stop? Where do we draw the line? Would this be acceptable in a high school or junior high newspaper, or better yet, an elementary school handout? Why not? Because that’s not what we want to teach our kids, that’s not what we want them to believe in. So when do we give up on people, when do we decide “chess club Susie” would rather have a one-night stand with a Durex sex toy than a faithful, loving husband and kids?
Samuel Passi,
Junior, Biology and International Studies