Whatever happened to the sanctity of our sexuality? It has been misused and abused since Adam and Eve. It was meant for us to show true love to our spouse inside the bond of marriage and as a way to make babies and perpetuate the human race. Our sexuality was not meant that we just have sex whenever and however we want or just because we can. Not even for a “quick fix.”
These sex toys advertised in The Chronicle are an attack on our sexuality. They lessen the value of it. When we use them, it makes the sexual act meaningless. We make ourselves like animals who can’t control our sexual urges. We are interested only in our own selfish pleasures instead of giving ourselves to our spouse. When we have sex the way we should, we make a gift of ourselves to give to our spouse. There is nothing more fulfilling than getting married, bringing children into the world and raising them with love.
Suzi Price,
U Central Mail