At its June meeting Tuesday, the U Board of Trustees deferred approval of the Publications Council’s 2009-2010 budget to the executive committee, which will hold a final vote June 25.
Board chairman Randy Dryer said he thinks it’s too early to approve the budget, which has been revised many times because of the council’s financial problems.
“The financial challenges have been significant,” Dryer said. “All student-run organizations have cinched up their belts and it hurts.”
The council has received advice solving budget issues from Brent Low, CEO of MediaOne, which publishes the Deseret News and The Salt Lake Tribune, said Glen Feighery, chairman of the council.
Fred Esplin, vice president of institutional advancement, said the reason for the financial problems is the Publication Council’s 2008-2009 budget expenses weren’t met by declining advertising revenue. This miscalculation left the council in debt, which it is expected to pay off within the next few years.
“This has forced people to re-examine how they do business,” Dryer said. “Student publications are very important to the students of the university. Each department at the U needs to be fiscally responsible.”