The U has reported three more cases of the novel H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu.
An employee of the U Marketing and Communications department was quarantined in his or her house for five or six days last week to recover from the virus, said Coralie Alder, the department’s director.
There is also someone in the Henry Eyring Building’s organic chemistry lab confirmed with the virus, according to Jennifer Lanza, a chemistry graduate teaching assistant, who e-mailed information about the confirmation to the lab’s students. Lanza also said in her e-mail that there is one other possible but unconfirmed case in the lab’s staff.
Large pink notices posted around the Residence Halls also report one additional case of the virus in the staff of the department of Housing and Residential Education.
These three confirmed cases of the novel H1N1 virus bring the U’s total to five. Barb Remsburg, director of HRE, confirmed two other cases in her department last week.
HRE reports that no students living on campus have been confirmed with the virus.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site, 755 cases of the virus have been confirmed in Utah. Eight deaths have also been reported in the state.
Warning signs of the flu include difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest of abdomen, sudden dizziness, confusion and severe or persistent vomiting.
Staff and faculty are taking precautions and advise that if anyone has these symptoms should take precaution and stay home until a full recovery has occurred.
For further information about how to avoid the H1N1 virus, call a local health provider or visit