The airline company SkyWest Inc. announced Wednesday that U President Michael Young will join its Board of Directors.
An accounting professor from BYU, W. Steve Albrecht, is resigning from the board on June 30. Young is filling his vacant seat effective the following day.
Young, the U’s 14th president, has served since 2004. Before that, he was the dean of George Washington University’s Law School and served former President George H. W. Bush as ambassador for Trade and Environmental Affairs and deputy undersecretary of state for Economic Affairs.
“We believe his extensive background in education and vast legal experience will bring added dimension to the board,” said Jerry Atkin, Chairman and CEO of SkyWest Inc., in a statement.
Remi Barron, U spokesman, said that there have been no discussions of Young leaving the U. Plenty of higher-ups are appointed to boards and still retain their full-time job, he said.
Young could not be reached for comment.
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