“Big Love” is in big trouble with the U.
The U learned that the HBO mini-series, “Big Love,” aired a March episode in which the U’s name and block U logo were shown on an allegedly official U letterhead. In response, the U’s agent, Collegiate Images, sent a cease-and-desist letter to the producers of “Big Love,”demanding that the logo be removed from the episode and that no future use of the logo be made, according to a U press release.
“It may have led some viewers to believe that the U is affiliated with ‘Big Love,'” said U spokeswoman Coralie Alder in a statement. The university’s name and logo were used without the University’s knowledge or permission, she said.
“We will not tolerate a misuse of our trademarks, especially if it could lead to the public to erroneously believe that the University is associated with a production over which the University has no control,” said U President Michael Young in a statement.
The letter to HBO confirms the U’s position that the unauthorized use of the name and logo is trademark infringement, a violation of federal law.
This isn’t the U’s first brush with trademark infringement, Alder said. Earlier this year, people were selling T-shirts sporting the Ute mascot roasting a horned toad without the authorization of the school, she said.
Alder would not comment as to whether the U would seek a lawsuit if the cable network does not comply with their request.
HBO could not be reached for comment.
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