Car fire The Utes were on fire against the Aggies last week?and a few blocks away, so was the car of one of the game?s attendees. Shelby Gold, a local resident, and two other men saw a white Dodge Stratus burning in the Latter-day Saint Institute of Religion parking lot Thursday evening. They fetched fire extinguishers from inside the Institute and fought the fire until the Salt Lake City Fire Department arrived.
A little too much Security escorted a middle-aged man out of Rice-Eccles Stadium for public intoxication during the Utes? game Thursday. As security officers helped the drunken man down the stairs, he vomited over the edge of the bleachers section, onto the ground two stories below. Upon seeing this, medical personnel arrived to treat him. He was later released.
Unconscious student The Salt Lake City Fire Department responded to a call about an unconscious student at the Sage Point Residence Halls early Friday morning. Housing and Residential Education would not say who it was or why the student lost consciousness.