It looks like a grim future for the planet.
World leaders, including President Barack Obama, said the upcoming worldwide summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, is meant to plan how humanity will fight climate change, but they doubt it will produce results. And a new U study says global warming is completely unavoidable.
Not everyone has given up hope. In the face of such mounting hopelessness, the Office of Sustainability is trying to fight on two fronts to make the campus more sustainable by inspiring students to clean up the U’s act. In the same vein, U researchers such as Andy Hong and Joe Moore want to clean up the planet with scientific breakthroughs.
Ashley Anderson, a junior in political science, suggested lobbying lawmakers for legislation to make carbon so expensive that societies will have to look to alternative energy sources. Or, as former Vice President Al Gore suggested on national television, people can plant trees in lawmakers’ front yards during the night and tape toy guns to the branches to scare them the next morning into thinking the forest has come back for revenge.