There has been a lot of construction on campus lately and with all the classroom, lab, study space and other designs I really hope the architects have taken the time to consider an often neglected room: the bathroom. Think about it. None of us use the bathroom by choice and the functionality of the bathroom can ruin your day more than any other room.
A couple of months ago we talked about me writing a blog reviewing the bathrooms on campus. Since my time at The Chronicle is coming to a close I had better do this now while I still have the opportunity. One’s legacy is important, you know. (Side note: This is not an extensive review. If you disagree with me or know of a particularly nice, or disgusting bathroom let us know. Who knows, maybe bathroom reviews could be a regular thing?)
The Union has beautiful bathrooms, except for the ones on the third floor by The Chronicle office and a couple of other places that aren’t as important as the third floor ones by The Chronicle office. Maybe someone should do something about that. Anyway, the remaining bathrooms are the best I have used on campus. They are clean, bright and colorful, which is a nice change from the dull grey and brown bathrooms around most of campus. Using a public restroom can be a uncomfortable experience, but the Union bathrooms are calming and pleasant. There was a day I actually walked to the Union just so I could use the bathroom there.
The only complaint I have is the automatic sinks on the first floor and basement. First it deposits soap on your hand and the soap usually falls to the drain, never actually touching your hands. Before you have time to think, the water comes to wash the soap off that never actually got on your hands. Then the dryer comes on to dry your hands. This is a little too Charlie Chaplin, Modern Timesey for me. Just let me control the soap and water.
OSH has by far the worst bathrooms I have used on campus. They are old, dark and have serious privacy issues. Yes, they are very space efficient there are a lot of toilets in those bathrooms. However there are no dividers between the urinals. This is totally awkward and exposing. This has nothing to do with homophobia. I don’t want anyone watching me use the bathroom. Not having dividers is like using the bathroom with the stall door open. The lighting in the bathrooms is an odd color and is off-putting. OSH is one of the most trafficked buildings on campus, catering a a huge number of students. OSH should have as nice of bathrooms as the Union.
Other than these two extremes, I find that most of the bathrooms on campus are the same. It doesn’t matter what building they are or how new the building is. They are always the same boring bathrooms. I find is surprising that even the relatively new LNCO and the newly renovated Marriott Library don’t have particularly nice bathrooms. In all future campus building and renovations bathrooms should be given more attention. I’ll have to go check out the bathrooms in the new business building. I bet it has marble counter, gold faucets and people to hand you towels. That is the way to do it.