This week on UNews, ASUU President Sam Ortiz spoke about the masquerade ball on Friday, January 31. The proceeds from the dance will go to the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Chronicle writer Ian Smith and resident sports expert Nathan Hulet gave their opinions on the Superbowl during the Superbowl Smack-down segment. The big game airs Sunday, February 2, at 4:30 p.m. The Toilet Paper, a one page newspaper that can be found inside bathroom stalls in the Union, was featured in an interview by Gustabo Rodriguez with the Union Programming Council. Justin Bieber was recently arrested for DUI and Veronica Aguilera got student responses to the latest news of the Canadian pop star. Samantha Pannier gave a critique on David Cross’s directorial debut, “Hits,” featured at Sundance this past week.
UNews – 31 Jan. 2014
January 31, 2014