U commuters may be facing some roadblocks in the coming year.
The Utah Department of Transportation is closing 1300 South from 500 West to 700 West to repair a bridge.
“I’d recommend commuters avoid using 1300 South as much as possible,” said Lani Kai Eggertsen-Goff, the project’s liaison.
Eggertsen-Goff said commuters can find a detour map March 20. Commuters who access I-15 from 1300 South will not be able to do so during construction and will have to use entrances at 2100 South, 900 South, 600 South and 400 South. Construction is expected to begin in the summer, following the selection of a construction contractor this spring.
The total cost of the project is expected to be near $10 million, which includes environmental study, design and construction, according to Eggertsen-Goff. The goal is to rebuild the bridge so that it conforms to safety standards. The new bridge will be three feet wider and have improved seismic performance, as well as allow greater pedestrian and bicycle access.
Commuters to the U will have suggested detour routes and new options to travel with UTA to avoid the construction.
“I see how it could be a problem for students,” said Gina Sombatsaphay, a freshman in finance.
Two other projects are scheduled along 1300 South. A reconstruction project will be underway at the same time the bridge is being reconstructed, and a public utility water line is set to be completed before the bridge is closed.
“The project is slated for this summer but is pending [the] city council’s decision on the bond that will fund the project,” said Eggertsen-Goff. “The concrete replacement on the roadway will be done in a way to allow traffic to run in both directions with one lane of traffic in each direction.”
Updates on the 1300 South bridge reconstruction project will be posted on the Salt Lake City government website.
[email protected]
Construction begins on 1300 South
March 18, 2014