With “No-Shave November” in full effect, nothing shows the cultural differences between BYU and the U more than facial hair.
While the U does not regulate beards, BYU has an Honor Code barring them: “Men are expected to be clean-shaven; beards are not acceptable.”
In order to have facial hair at BYU, there is a process to gain a beard exception. This involves paperwork, a visit to the BYU student health doctor and yearly check-ups to continue receiving the exception.
The Honor Code office said there are no statistics on how many students utilize this exception and that each student is evaluated on an individual basis. If a student is granted an exemption to the facial hair rule, they are then photographed with the full beard to have access to all campus amenities. The office said one common reason students apply is because of a medical condition called folliculitis. This condition is more commonly known as razor burn and is caused by hair follicles turning into the skin and inflaming the area.
BYU student Drew Allen, a junior in accounting and a self-proclaimed hipster, said he got in trouble when he grew out a mustache.
“I wanted to try and curl the edges, but as soon as I started to grow it out, my professors sent me to the Honor Code Office since my face wasn’t clean-shaven,” he said.
A policy of the U’s Dean of Students office states, “The U is a public university, while Brigham Young is a private school. Since the U gets certain help from the government, it cannot define what students look like, wear, act, say, etc. Brigham Young, on the other hand, is heavily financed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and, as a result, the school follows sanctions defined by the church.”
Students at the U can be seen walking on campus with anything from scruff to a full-grown beard. Charlie Allen, sophomore in sociology, said he’s glad the U doesn’t ban facial hair.
“I love my beard because as soon as I start going snowboarding it will keep my face from getting too cold,” he said.
His girlfriend, Kristie King, an undeclared freshman, was professedly less enthusiastic.
“I don’t mind a five o’clock shadow,” she said, “but the beard is too much.”
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The Hairy Rivalry Between the U and BYU
November 19, 2014