With all of the buzz surrounding the opening of the Student Life Center, it was easy to overlook the relocation of the Student Wellness Center to the new building.
Katie Stiel, the manager of student service for the Student Wellness Center, said the move is both exciting and demanding.
“I think with any move comes opportunity and challenges,” she said. “It made sense for us to move there; it seems like it would be a good fit.”
A core belief of the center is that healing is more than just physical. But even before the move, many students on campus didn’t know there was a wellness center to begin with, and Stiel hopes to change that.
“The point of our office is to let people know health is for everyone,” she said. “We need to be taking care of ourselves in a way that promotes success.”
Stiel wants students to feel comfortable coming to the wellness center and the new Student Life Center.
“Our office is unique because we encourage their health holistically,” she said. “For us it doesn’t just revolve around physical health and nutrition. Health is far more interconnected, and being in the new building we can help more students in their area of health that they might be struggling with.”
The Student Wellness Center used to be in the Student Services Building. Stiel said the new location will be better for student awareness.
“We are so excited to be here,” she said. “It’s another chance to reach out to students. I loved the Student Services Building, but here is a new chance to reach out to even more students.”
Nathan Pope a sophomore in chemical engineering, wishes he heard more about the move before it happened, but he thinks overall it will be “beneficial.”
“They should reach out to students to let them know that they have moved,” he said. “It will benefit students and the center because it makes sense that all of the health-based areas would be put together. That building is perfect because there are a lot more people coming there than the Student Services Building.”