I’m an optimist — plain and simple.
So, let’s skip over how (or if) the Runnin’ Utes will take down Arizona and just go straight to the more pressing question — How is the MUSS going to celebrate the victory?
The normal way to consummate an upset in the college basketball world is for the student section to chaotically flood the hardwood. The MUSS may find that difficult.
The student section is perched 10 feet above the court, and while Utah fans have shown no qualms about jumping down to rush the football field, the hard service may cause some pause.
Earlier this week, Kansas State fans stormed their court after upsetting Kansas, and well, things didn’t end well.
Both head coaches were pressed up against the scorers’ table, and one fan went out of his way to collide with a Kansas player. So yeah, the whole court-storming thing isn’t currently being viewed in the most positive light.
“I know the athletics department isn’t very fond of us jumping,” said MUSS president James Gabour. “And I don’t think the team really wants us to storm. So they are going to do what they can to prevent it, but if you have 1,800 kids coming down it’s going to be hard to stop.”
With how the section is set up, though, it will take an awfully long time for the 1,800 students to reach the court, and I don’t think many will volunteer to take the plunge anyway.
“I don’t know if anyone wants to risk blowing out their knees or ankles for that,” Gabour said. “But if some kids want to go for it, they might.”
So if the MUSS isn’t rushing, what should they do?
Maryland students recently did a section-wide flash mob that was pretty cool, and since many MUSS members plan on camping out and waiting in line for hours to get the best possible seats for the contest, the Utah students should have plenty of time to construct and learn a dance or groove or whatever they call it.
But in the end, is that really that cool? It’s a flash mob, after all.
Five-thousand light sticks are going to be handed out, so I’m sure something awesome could be done with those. Actually, a flash mob with synchronized light sticks would be pretty damn sweet.
Everyone could trade shirts? That might be fun (don’t be gross, dudes).
Or the students could do nothing at all. Just sit down all cool — like they expected the victory all along — and give the Wildcats a nice “good effort” golf clap as they leave the floor.
Shave the heads of everyone in the front row?
Throw streamers onto the court soccer-style?
Everyone buys victory ice cream? (Also, why doesn’t the U have a creamery? Maybe that should be the celebration — build a place to buy ice cream and, more importantly, chocolate milk).
World Cup goal type of celebration with lots of liquid being thrown in all directions? Or just a full-blown water fight?
But seriously the shirt-trading idea should be tried — it would be hilarious.
Or just screw it and storm the damn court. Injuries will heal, fines can be paid, but memories can’t be remade.