[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I once had a friend tell me, “Since I’ve been married, my wife hasn’t started a photography business or a fashion blog… am I doing something wrong?”
This, my friends, has inspired our list of Utah Problems.
(Photo credit: Avalon.edu )
-4 out of every 5 girls are wanna-be fashion bloggers and 4 out of every 5 girls think they’re a photographer. #Utahprobz
-You never know how to dress during the months September-June because the weather cannot decide if it wants to rain or snow or be sunny… so it decides to do all three.
-The rivalry between Utah and the dreaded school down south is real and is not to be taken lightly.
-Everyone knows you’re a native Utahn when you know how to correctly pronounce “Tooele”, “Mantua”, and “Hurricane”.
-You starve every Sunday because no restaurant is open except McDonald’s. (Not bashing the golden arches… we know it serves a purpose.)
-We all know what a NCMO is… and we’ve all had one… or two.
-A wise person once said to me: “Salt Lake Valley is 30% mormons, 40% democrats, 20% road construction, and 10% frozen yogurt.” #amirite
-Your sense of direction is based on the mountains and the freeway.
-You know that The Utes are the best team in the state!
That about sums it up, guys. Utah’s got it going on… at Beto’s… at midnight. If you have anything to add to our list, DO! Let us know what Utah Problems we need to hear about.