Is there anyone out there that actually likes group projects? No? No one? Anyone? Didn’t think so. SO WHY do our professors continually assign us torturous group work? We’ve put together a pros and cons list of group work.
(pic credit:
-Um…. we’ve got nothing.
-You can never find a time to meet that works for everyone because schedules.
-There’s always that one person who lives in Sandy…. like, bruh, hop on the freeway and we’ll see you in 10.
-You’re always the one who ends up with the biggest work load.
-There’s that one kid who doesn’t brush his teeth…
-The kid who doesn’t brush his teeth always seems to sit by you, doesn’t (s)he!?
-There’s always someone who doesn’t have a gmail address and screws up your google doc.
-The work is never split evenly no matter how hard you try.
-There’s always one kid who you disagree with wholeheartedly on every. single. topic.
-And what about the kid who doesn’t even exist until the day the presentation is due?!
-Two words: peer evaluation.
Unfortunately, group work is a part of the circle of life and every professor deems it necessary. So, I guess we’ll have to continue sucking it up as our professors continue dishing it out. Happy group-working, kids.